For Researchers
Scales and Poster Downloads
Scale Downloads
The following scales are available for public use. PDF formatted English and French versions of each scale can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate link. Please feel free to use these scales in your research and kindly keep us informed of your findings. Please e-mail this information to Dr. Adam Radomsky at
The Beliefs About Memory Inventory (BAMI)
Alcolado, G.M., & Radomsky, A.S. (2023). The Beliefs About Memory Inventory (BAMI) and its ability to predict compulsive checking. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 47, 140-154.
Covert and Overt Reassurance Seeking Inventory (CORSI]
Radomsky, A.S., Neal, R.L., Parrish, C.L., Lavoie, S.L., & Schell, S.E. (2021). The Covert and Overt Reassurance Seeking Inventory (CORSI): Development, validation, and psychometric analyses. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 49, 3-20.
VOCI - Mental Contamination [VOCI-MC]
Radomsky, A.S., Rachman, S., Shafran, R., Coughtrey, A.E., & Barber, K.C. (2014). The nature and assessment of mental contamination: A psychometric analysis. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, 3, 181-187.
Vancouver Obsessional Compulsive Inventory (VOCI)
Thordarson, D.S., Radomsky, A.S., Rachman, S., Shafran, R., Sawchuk, C.N., Hakstian, A.R. (2004). The Vancouver Obsessional Compulsive Inventory (VOCI). Behaviour Research & Therapy, 42, 1289-1314.
Mental Contamination Report - 2008 [MCR-2008]
Radomsky, A.S., Elliott, C.M., Rachman, S., Fairbrother, N., & Newth, S.J. (2008). Mental Contamination Report. Unpublished questionnaire, Concordia University, Montreal, QC.
Mental Contamination Audio Scripts [2006]
Elliott, C.M., Radomsky, A.S., Rachman, S., Fairbrother, N., & Newth, S.J. (2006). Mental contamination: Effects of imagined physical dirt and immoral behaviour audio recording scripts. Unpublished audio recording scripts, Concordia University, Montreal, QC. From Elliott & Radomsky (2009).
Beliefs About Losing Control Inventory-II [BALCI-II]
Kelly-Turner, K., & Radomsky, A.S. (In press). Update and validation of the Beliefs about Losing Control Inventory-II (BALCI-II): A psychometric investigation. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
Contamination Sensitivity Scale [CSS]
Radomsky, A.S., Rachman, S., Shafran, R., Coughtrey, A.E., & Barber, K.C. (2014). The nature and assessment of mental contamination: A psychometric analysis. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, 3, 181-187.
Symmetry, Ordering and Arranging Questionnaire (SOAQ)
Radomsky, A.S. & Rachman, S. (2004). Symmetry,ordering and arranging compulsive behaviour. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 42, 893-913.
Mental Contamination Audio Scripts [2008]
Elliott, C.M., Radomsky, A.S., Rachman, S., Fairbrother, N., & Newth, S.J. (2008). Mental contamination: Effects of imagined physical dirt and immoral behaviour audio recording scripts. Unpublished audio recording scripts, Concordia University, Montreal, QC. From Elliott & Radomsky (2012).
Beliefs About Losing Control Inventory [BALCI]
Radomsky, A. S., & Gagné, J. P. (2020). The development and validation of the beliefs about losing control inventory (BALCI). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 49, 97-112.
Treatment Acceptability & Adherence Scale [TAAS]
Milosevic, I., Levy, H.C., Alcoado, G.M., & Radomsky, A.S. (2015). The Treatment Acceptability/Adherence Scale: Moving beyond the assessment of treatment effectiveness. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 44, 456-469.
Contamination - Thought-Action Fusion Scale [CTAF]
Radomsky, A.S., Rachman, S., Shafran, R., Coughtrey, A.E., & Barber, K.C. (2014). The nature and assessment of mental contamination: A psychometric analysis. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders , 3, 181-187.
Personal Significance Scale (PSS)
Rachman, S. (2003). The Treatment of Obsessions. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Claustrophobia Questionnaire (CLQ)
Radomsky, A.S., Rachman, S., Thordarson, D.S., McIsaac, H.K., & Teachman, B.A. (2001). The Claustrophobia Questionnaire. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 15, 287-297.
Mental Contamination Report - 2006 [MCR-2006]
Radomsky, A.S., Elliott, C.M., Rachman, S., Fairbrother, N., & Newth, S.J. (2006). Mental Contamination Report. Unpublished questionnaire, Concordia University, Montreal, QC
Conference Poster Reprints
The following posters have been presented at conferences. PDF formatted versions of each poster can be downloaded by clicking on the provided link.
“I might be disgusting!” Investigating fear of self, disgust sensitivity, and mental contamination
Krause, S. & Radomsky, A.S. [WCBCT 2019, Berlin, Germany]
The fear of losing control in social anxiety: An experimental approach
Kelly-Turner, K. & Radomsky, A.S. (WCBCT 2019, Berlin, Germany)